Name : Andrew Loheide (The half member of the Kylie Fan Club) D.O.B : 05/11/71 Occupation: Data Entry, Brew Boy, Virus Checking (Checking about 900 disks we have in our collection is no fun, it takes ages) Interests : Football (Liverpool supporter !) Fast Food, (And yes he was the one who was on Countdown a couple of years ago) Likes Watching Coronation Street (Boring Person, Oh well I suppose it's better than Neighbours !) 60's Music (Or anything else written before he was born!). Although does like Kylie and Jason, so does have some good taste, unlike these other Jean Michel Jarre freaks around us ! Current Projects: No specific projects, he helps out with any data entry needed for any projects as necessary, i.e, typing out the 10,000 phrases needed for the French Program, also good at making the coffee !